2007年4月28日 星期六

i'm happy ^o^ ~~

today come back to Kaohsiung . because he seldom come back , i decide to go shopping with him.
when i go out with him i always keep smile . i like to go shopping with him. i like playing basketball with him . he is one of my best friends , i think i should treasure the time that with him . because a good friend isn't finding easily ,i should treasure this good friend .haha~ ^^ today is my day .

I hate one breath English

English become more and more important in the world . And there are many ways that we can learn it . But i think learning English is voluntaries not passiveness . In our university the officer compulsion us to recite One breath English,so I think our university's way isn't a good tip to help ours English level up . I want the way isn't compulsion me to recite it ,so I really hate it . Who can help me to cancel the thing that reciting one breath English . Oh~~~~~~~~~~ I hate one breath English .

2007年4月5日 星期四


What does “a friend” mean? All of us know that we can not live in solitude. As a result, we have to live with or live near others. For the most part of mankind, people work or do whatever with other people. We can meet a new face all the time unless we don‘t want to. During the process of knowing a person, we make a friend right a way!
When I was a senior high school student, I studied in the CCAFPS. We were not the same as most senior high school students. All of us have to do every thing together. Also, sleeping and having a meal were included. As a result, classmates were not only friends but also families. One of my dear classmates who is named Shawn was my best friend. Why he was my best friend? Because he slept next to me! When we could not sleep easily, we chatted with low voice to avoid others listening our conversation. We have the same hobby: play basketball, and both of us were living in Kaohsiung. In the weekend, we always played basketball in the court. When exam was coming, we would find a seat to study hard in the library to get good grade. If one of us did not do well in the exam, we always inspired the other to make him cheer up! Also, when both of us did well in the exam, we would celebrate together.
Now, Shawn and I are still classmates. It’s our fourth year of being classmates. I am so glad that I can be his university classmate again.

2007年4月4日 星期三

A friend to my life

寫作模式 1.define "proverb" what is "a friend"
2.examples----->great men
3.who did infuence me in my life ?positive


Trust men and they will be true to you. 相信他們,他們才會對你忠誠( 信人者人恆信之)
If you live with a lame person you will learn to limp. 近朱者赤 近墨者黑。
A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both.
A flattering friend is your worst enemy.
A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.
A friend in court makes the process short.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A friend is a second self.
A friend is best found in adversity.
A friend is proved in distress.
A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you just the same.
A friend should bear a friend's infirmities.
A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. (A friend to all is a friend to none.)
A hedge between keeps friendship green.
A life without a friend is a life without a sun.
Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.
Much of the vitality in friendship lies in the honoring ofdifferences, not simply in the enjoyment of similarities



New semester ;new hope

My own English learning style : I usually study English by remembering vocabulary and listening English songs. But i seldom